
solution of the unsaturated fatty acid esters ozonides in oil.

Pharmacological action:
antiinflammatory, antiallergic; shows microbicidal, virucidal, fungicidal properties; induces interferon; promotes process of granulation.

skin and mucosa diseases of different origins, herpes of different localizations, acutecondillomata , eczema, pyoderma, neurodermitis, psoriasis (localised), candidosis, epidermophitya, furunculosis, balanopostitis, colpitis, kraurosis of vulva (early stage), uretritis and prostatitis (special methodic), wounds (including those ones with bad healing), decubitus, trophic ulcers, combustions, inflammatory processes of piles, fissures of anus, stomatitis, gingivitis, conjunctivitis, inflammatory diseases of ear, throat, nose and many others.

Methods of treatment:
shake up before using! Cover damaged areas of body by thin layer of ozonide oil 1-6 times of a day. Treat nasal mucosa by administering of 1-2 drops of ozonide oil in nostrils (avoid contacts of oil with rubber parts of pipette). Children under 7 years old are treated by oil of decreased concentration (~50%).

Side effects:
very rare composition can promote limited allergic reaction on skin in the place of oil contact with skin. It disappears after application is ended.

Storage time:
24 month in case of storage at 0 -+5°C.
