
Medical application, apparatus and equipment

Application of ozone in medicine for treating the diseases of a various etiology is based on a unique range of its effects on human organism. The ozone in therapeutic doses reacts as an immunomodulating, inflammatory, microcidal, antiviral, fungicidal, cytostatic, antistress and analgetic agent.The ozone therapy is successfully applied practically in all branches of medicine: in urgent and purulent surgery, treating of internal and infectious diseases, gynaecology, urology, dermatology, hepatology, gastroenerology, stomatology, cosmetology etc.

Ozone, as an antiseptic agent was used since the beginning of the century but regular researches of the ozone therapy were begun in the middle of the 70th, when ozone-resistent polymeric materials and convenient ozonising devices appeared. The interest to the ozone thepaphy strengthened during the process of accumulation of the data about biological effects of ozone to human organism and appearance of the reports from various clinics of the world about successful use of ozone in treatment of a lot of diseases.

During the last few years 6 International and 3 Russian congresses on the ozone theraphy took place: in New York, 1989; Gavana, 1989,1997; Monaco, 1991; San Francisco, 1993; Lille, 1995; Tokyo, 1997; N-Novgorod, 1992, 1995 and 1998. The Association of the Ozone Therapeutists was founded, the practical manuals were issued. Several companies both in Russia and abroad have begun serial manufacturing of devices for the ozone therapy.

Ozone - О3 - gas with a sharp characteristic odour, is an allotropic form of Oxygen, which is considerably stronger oxidant, than Oxygen.

The human nose makes out very low concentrations of ozone 0,001-0,01 mg/m3, which are safe (WSC in the air in working site is 0,1 mg/m3, in atmospheric air - 0,16 mg/m3). Small concentrations of ozone produce the sensation of freshness, toxic ones - irritation of respiratory tracts, tussis, giddiness. The toxicity of ozone, basically, is caused by its influence on respiratory tract and lungs. Therefore inhalant methods of the ozone therapy, occasionally applied in 60-70х years, now practically are not used.

For the first time ozone, as an antiseptic agent was applied by H. Wolff in 1915 during the WW1. Later the information on successful application of ozone in treatment of various diseases has being gradually accumulated. However, for a long time only direct contacts of the gas with the external surface and various cavities of body were used.

Nowadays parenteral methods (intravenous, intramuscular, intraarticular, hypodermic application of therapeutic doses of ozone) prevail. Their medical effect is connected, basicly, with the activization of various systems of vital activity of an organism. For the intravenous injections the ozone dissolved in a saline or in blood of the patient is used.

In parenteral introduction of ozone the therapeutic concentrations are in several times less then the toxic ones.

In foreign medical practice usually major and minor autohemotherapy are used for parenteral introduction of ozoneIn major autohemotherapy the blood, taken from the patient, is carefully mixed with certain quantity of ozone-oxygen gaseous mixture, and gradually is injected back into a vein of the patient. In minor autohemotherapy the ozonized blood is injected intramuscularly. The therapeutic dose of ozone in this case is maintained due to the fixed volumes of gas and concentration of ozone in it.

"Medozone Ltd." developed method and apparatus for parenteral introduction of ozone with the help of ozonized normal saline. This procedure is physiological, simple in application and allows to prolonge process of introducing of ozone into blood. While developing these procedures the works on studuing of kinetics of saturation and stability of ozone in normal saline were undertaken, the metrological system allowing to measure concentration of ozone not only in a gas mixture, but also in aqueous solutions was established. As far as we know, similar metrological base in medical ozonising device does not exist in the world.

The employees of "Medozone Ltd." together with the large group of the experts of various specialities: the biochemists, immunologists, hematologists, morphologists, microbiologists and virologists in 1988 - 1991 studied effects of ozone onorganism of animals. The results of these experiments were shown in two reports, and are reported at various conferences. In 1990-1992 the various procedures of the ozone therapy were developed and approved by medical practice and the device for their practical use was built. Further, the devices which are produced by "Medozone Ltd.", were modernized, there were new variants of auxiliary equipment. Medical ozonising devices of the third generation allow to prepare ozonized saline for parenteral injections, ozonized aqueous solutions and ozone-oxygen gaseous mixtures for treatment of various cavities. The control of the device is integrated and is conducted with the help of the built - in microcomputer.
